John 15:13-14

Most of the work displayed here are my own creations in writing, film, photography and other creative arts.
Movie/TV Show Reviews
Please click on the pictures below to read a reviews for each of these genres.

Grading Policy
***no grade curving allowed!
A + = one of the best I have seen. THE BEST. Don't change it!
A = great, but not one of the greatest. I could recommend this, but there are some things that I would change.
A - = still great but borderline. A recommend for sure, but I don't like everything in it.
B + = good, but needs work. Enjoyed, but I wouldn't highly recommend this one. I might if I think the person would like it.
B = good, but definitely lacking in areas. Tickled my fancy a bit.
B - = good but borderline. Mildly interesting.
C + = average but with some good points. I would watch this if I have nothing else to watch.
C = average in almost every area. I would watch this if I have nothing else to watch.
C - = average but lacking in some points. I probably stopped watching after one or two episodes.
D + = needs improvement in most areas but might have some good points. I might watch this if I am really bored.
D = needs improvement and lost me quickly as a viewer
D - = was mildly interesting for 5 minutes
F = hated from the beginning